RestASSURED Insurance
About RestASSURED Insurance
This plan allows you to protect your loved ones with access to cash for emergencies and a guaranteed payout upon death. All of this is available with a premium tailored to meet your unique needs and budget.
Provide additional coverage for a fixed period of time (5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years or to ages 60, 65, 70, or 85 years) as a rider. Should death occur during the period, the total Rider coverage is paid to the beneficiaries.
If you were to become totally disabled, the basic premium due would be waived while you remain totally disabled to ensure that your policy remains in force.
In the event of death or dismemberment due to an accident, this benefit will pay the amount shown in the following Table of Losses and Benefits.
Read Tatil RestASSURED Insurance booklets for more information
Choose from our affordable plans
- Payable to age 55 years
- Payable to age 55 years
- Payable to age 55 years
- Payable to age 55 years
- Payable to age 55 years
- Payable to age 55 years
Reference and year
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Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm